Full Mouth Rehabilitation/Reconstruction

What is full-mouth rehabilitation?

Full-mouth rehabilitation, sometimes also called full-mouth reconstruction or full-mouth restoration, is the treatment process of simultaneously rebuilding or restoring the entire dental arch (all of the teeth) in both the upper and lower jaw. This comprehensive treatment can help address a variety of oral health problems, including missing teeth, tooth decay, and periodontal disease.

A full-mouth rehabilitation may be right for you if:

  • You have lost teeth due to decay, periodontal disease, or trauma.
  • Your teeth have been heavily restored, decayed, or fractured.
  • Your teeth are worn as a result of long-term acid erosion (foods, beverages, acid reflux) or tooth grinding.
  • You need a complete occlusal (bite) adjustment due to ongoing complaints of jaw and muscle pain or headaches.

At elite dental care, we offer full-mouth rehabilitation to help patients restore the function and aesthetics of their teeth and mouth. If you’re interested in learning more about this treatment option, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists. We will be happy to discuss your treatment options and answer any questions you may have.

What’s involved in the treatment process?

This treatment is typically performed in progressive phases and usually requires multiple appointments. It commonly requires addressing all the aspects of dentistry from re-establishing gingival health by dental check and cleaning to restoring the shape and size of teeth by crown or veneer placement till implant placements if required to replace missing teeth.

We take you through all the details of procedures and costs involved so you have a clear idea of what is happening at each phase of treatment.